"Maintaining health is the main task of the fitness industry. During the pandemic, the industry's focus has always been on supporting people to continue to exercise safely, even though clubs have closed. At the time, the focus was on developing strict safety measures to reduce the risk of illness and allow fitness clubs to resume work. Despite these efforts, the fitness industry has been misunderstood by the media and sometimes by public officials.
Health is of the utmost importance to the health and fitness industry. Throughout the pandemic, the focus of the industry has been to provide people with ways to safely be active while clubs were shut down. Then, the focus shifted to the institution of stringent safeguards to minimize risk to reopen and stay open. Yet despite these efforts, the media and sometimes public officials have incorrectly labeled the industry as unsafe.
Physicians say a healthy lifestyle is the closest thing to a vaccine we have, and give more reasons to prove health clubs are safe and essential.You’ve most likely heard the argument that gyms and health clubs are inherently unclean and could contribute to the spread of coronavirus. Such statements are false and misleading and create serious problems for the fitness industry.
The debate about what venues and activities are the least likely to offer COVID-19 exposure, and which ones provide the most risk, has been a hot topic since early spring.IHRSA and MXM just released a simple, yet eye-opening, study that shows gyms don’t appear to be contributing to the spread of COVID-19. This study goes in line several other studies that have been conducted since the outbreak of COVID-19, most recently the study conducted by UK trade body, ukactive, which found an estimated 0.020 positive cases per 10,000 gym visits.
Latvijas Veselības un Fitnesa asociācija (LVFA) piedalījāsSaeimas Sporta apakškomisijas sēdē, lai iepazīstinātu deputātus ar jaunāko pētījumu par fiziskās aktivitātesprofilaktisku ietekmi uz valsts ekonomiku, kā arī rosinātu likuma izmaiņas parfitnesa dalības maksas iekļaušanu attaisnotajos izdevumos.
EuropeActive & Deloitte
2023. gada Eiropas veselības un fitnesa tirgus ziņojums ir klāt, atklājot ievērojamus secinājumus un spēcīgu nozares atveseļošanos!
Par aktuālo Latvijas Fitnesa un sporta nozarē. Par iespēju fitnesa klubu apmeklējumu iekļaut attaisnotajos izdevumos gan privātos, gan kā uzņēmuma.