After analyzing millions of member check-in data across 2,873 gyms, sports clubs and boutique fitness centers over the course of three months, The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) and MXM, a technology and knowledge transfer company specializing in member tracking within the fitness industry, conclusively found that fitness facilities are safe and are not contributing to the spread of COVID-19.
The Latvian Health and Fitness Association, which brings together Latvia’s leading sports clubs, calls on the Cabinet of Ministers to reconsider the decision to ban sports activities, differentiating restrictions according to both sports and sports activities, in order not to destroy the sports and fitness industry in Latvia and reduce sports activities, which are also essential for public health, the association informs.
As we move through the COVID-19 pandemic, we hear compelling stories from around the world that illustrate the resilience of our industry. We all face extraordinary challenges, and as your partner, we wanted to share a number of industry examples from alliances and operators working to change government mandates to safely reopen gyms and support physical activity. that gyms can operate safely, revealing that of the more than
Latvijas Veselības un Fitnesa asociācija (LVFA) piedalījāsSaeimas Sporta apakškomisijas sēdē, lai iepazīstinātu deputātus ar jaunāko pētījumu par fiziskās aktivitātesprofilaktisku ietekmi uz valsts ekonomiku, kā arī rosinātu likuma izmaiņas parfitnesa dalības maksas iekļaušanu attaisnotajos izdevumos.
EuropeActive & Deloitte
2023. gada Eiropas veselības un fitnesa tirgus ziņojums ir klāt, atklājot ievērojamus secinājumus un spēcīgu nozares atveseļošanos!
Par aktuālo Latvijas Fitnesa un sporta nozarē. Par iespēju fitnesa klubu apmeklējumu iekļaut attaisnotajos izdevumos gan privātos, gan kā uzņēmuma.