EuropeActive & Deloitte
Exciting News! Our 2023 European Health & Fitness Market Report is here, unveiling remarkable findings and a strong sector rebound!
LVFA members
#BEACTIVE DAY is a pan-European campaign promoting the joy of physical activity and the benefits of an active life - for mental, social and physical well-being.
As a member of EuropeActive Latvian ealth and Fitness association joined Sectoral Manifesto.
Sports clubs are extremely disappointed with the decision taken by the Government to ban indoor sports training (classes) in sports clubs, supplementing the Cabinet of Ministers regulations no. 360 “Epidemiological safety measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection” (hereinafter – the Regulations) with Clause 31.1, which provides: “From 17 October 2020 to 6 November 2020, sports training (classes) shall be organized outdoors, individually or remotely. Changing rooms are not used when organizing group sports trainings
In our opinion, there is no economic justification for the possibility to open only to vaccinated, COVID-19-infected and tested customers, it may rather lead to the bankruptcy of the industry, therefore LVFA members decided at the general meeting not to open such a condition. (The exception is one municipal company and two very small fitness studios.) We are already in a very limited situation - we have applied for additional state financial support, as the existing support does not reach us due to the specifics of our work (square footage is relatively small) . At the moment, the government a
Latvijas Veselības un Fitnesa asociācija (LVFA) piedalījāsSaeimas Sporta apakškomisijas sēdē, lai iepazīstinātu deputātus ar jaunāko pētījumu par fiziskās aktivitātesprofilaktisku ietekmi uz valsts ekonomiku, kā arī rosinātu likuma izmaiņas parfitnesa dalības maksas iekļaušanu attaisnotajos izdevumos.
EuropeActive & Deloitte
2023. gada Eiropas veselības un fitnesa tirgus ziņojums ir klāt, atklājot ievērojamus secinājumus un spēcīgu nozares atveseļošanos!
Par aktuālo Latvijas Fitnesa un sporta nozarē. Par iespēju fitnesa klubu apmeklējumu iekļaut attaisnotajos izdevumos gan privātos, gan kā uzņēmuma.