The October 2020 IHRSA report found that 95% of sports club members lack at least one aspect of their club, and more than half are dissatisfied with being forced to stop their training routine. Despite the intimidating stories in the media that the boom in home fitness inspired by COVID will mean the end of traditional sports clubs, it is gratifying that most sports club members want to return to training in the gym. "Since the reopening of the sports and fitness clubs in June and July, we have seen a large number of members want to return to the club as soon as possible, and we are almost bac
Regular exercise reduces the risk of dying from infectious diseases such as COVID-19 by more than a third and reduces the risk of infection by 31%, according to a major study. The world's first study of the link between exercise and immunity to COVID-19 intensity physical activity for 30 minutes a day, five days a week or 150 minutes a week. Recommended physical activities include walking, running, cycling and strength training. Such physical activity can make vaccines up to 40% more effective, according to an international team of researchers led by the University of Glasgow Caledonia (GCU).
Physical activity has beneficial effects on a number of physiological systems that are most affected by COVID-19 in the event of disease, as well as beneficial effects on human immunity, metabolism and mental health. Last year's studies revealed a link between a lack of physical activity and severe COVID-19.
On March 12, 2020, an emergency situation was declared in Latvia. Cabinet Regulation No. 624 of 13 October 2020 “Amendments to Cabinet Regulation No. 624 of 9 June 2020 360 'Epidemiological precautions to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection' included restrictions on the activities of sports clubs. Based on Paragraph 5.17.2 of the Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 655 of 6 November 2020 “On the Declaration of an Emergency Situation” (hereinafter - the Order), sports training (classes), including individual attendance, were suspended as of 21 November 2020, indoor operation. The sports clubs wer
The Latvian Health and Fitness Association points out that the “traffic light” principle approved by the Cabinet of Ministers and promoted by the Ministry of Health means a slow death for the industry, as the rate of 100 cases per 100 thousand people will most likely be reached in the autumn, especially considering current vaccination rates. The association will call on the government to review this precautionary mitigation scheme and to follow the experience of Estonia and other countries in deciding the fate of the sports industry.
Esot EuropeActive biedrs Latvijas Veselības un Fitnesa asociācija pievienojās kopīgam nozaru manifestam.
Pēc COVID-19 inficēto skaita palielināšanās jūlija beigās, Generalitat valdība lika slēgt visas sporta zāles un sporta centrus. Simtiem sporta zāļu īpašnieku, darbinieku un sporta leģendu rīkoja protestus pie vietējās pašvaldības ēkas. Viņi apgalvoja, ka sporta zālēs nav bijuši inficēšanās gadījumi, un ka viņi ir veikuši ievērojamus ieguldījumus, lai ievērotu obligātos drošības pasākumus. Tajā pašā dienā Barselonas Sporta Komisārs nosūtīja divas sūdzību vēstules Generalitat, ar lūgumu atjaunot ......
Sporta klubi ir ārkārtīgi vīlušies par Valdības pieņemto lēmumu liegt sporta treniņus (nodarbības) sporta klubu iekštelpās, papildinot 2020. gada 9. jūnija Ministru kabineta noteikumus Nr. 360 “Epidemioloģiskās drošības pasākumi Covid-19 infekcijas izplatības ierobežošanai” (turpmāk – Noteikumi) ar 31.1 punktu, kas paredz: “No 2020. gada 17. oktobra līdz 2020. gada 6. novembrim sporta treniņi (nodarbības) tiek organizēti ārtelpās, individuāli vai attālināti. Organizējot grupu sporta treni.......
Laiks: 13:30Datums: 20.10.2020.Vieta: Zoom platformaOrganizē: Latvijas Veselības un Fitnesa asociācijaPiedalās: esošie un topošie asociācijas biedriPlānotais laiks: ~45min .......
Latvijas veselības un fitnesa asociācija, kurā ir apvienojušies Latvijas vadošie sporta klubi, aicina Ministru kabinetu pārskatīt lēmumu par sporta nodarbību aizliegšanu, diferencējot ierobežojumus gan pēc sporta veidiem, gan pēc sporta nodarbību veidiem, lai neiznīcinātu sporta un fitnesa nozari Latvijā un vienlaikus nesamazinātu sportiskās aktivitātes, kas arī ir būtiskas sabiedrības veselībai, informē asociācija. ......